Old Testament

1 Corinthians 7:2-3-22-23 St Paul from the Trenches 1916 (GWC)

2-3. But marriage exists to prevent fornication. It is a step towards chastity. The ideal is to rise above all physical union of the sexes. Perfect chastity is a higher condition than the married state, and the intercourse of married persons, of husband and wife, is condoned and allowed, not commanded. I would that all men had reached the condition with regard to these questions that the spirit has conferred as a gift on me; but, as it is, we must have marriage, and those that are married must follow its rules.

4. Husbands and wives, you are not masters of your own bodies. Each must do as the other has a right to demand in this important matter,

5-7. and if by mutual consent you abstain from it altogether for a time, giving yourselves more thoroughly to prayer, and guarding against the entry of the spirit of evil through the avenue of indulgence, that is the best rule to observe.

8-9. Now whether married or unmarried, my advice is — remain as you were when God first called you into the truth.

10-13. If married, do not seek separation. Husband and wife may not both be in the faith, nevertheless if the one to whom the truth has not yet come is agreeable to remain with the other, there should be no thought of separation.

14. Both will be sanctified by the presence of the truth in the household, and likewise the children also, and who knows? probably the one that has faith will save the other.

15-16. But if you were unmarried or widowed when the truth first came to you, then my advice is — do not change your state. Be as I am — and live a life of total abstinence from the claims of the body in this direction. But if this is beyond you, then marry; marriage is far better than unsuccessful efforts at this form of self-mastery. Now all this is only an expression of my own opinion, but the following is a commandment to all married persons. Let neither husband nor wife seek separation; or if they must be separated, let neither marry again whilst the other lives, but let them rather, if possible, be once more reconciled. That is the Lord's expressed command and no matter of opinion.

17. Further, in other matters besides marriage, I enjoin the same rule as that which I have just explained.

18. After the truth has come to you, make no outward change in your manner of life, that is to say, in such matters as the circumcision or uncircumcision.

19-20. Let it not make the slightest difference what you were before you received the truth, for in the truth these differences are seen to be nothing, so remain as you always were in this matter. For the keeping of God's commandments is all that matters.

21. Similarly, if you were a slave when called, do not seek to obtain manumission, but even prefer to continue in the old calling.

22-23. You know now that you are Christ's freedman and bought out of slavery at a heavy price. That freedom is everything, for those that were of free birth when called are now the slaves of Christ. Let then neither bond nor free be in spirit the slaves of men; that is all the faith demands;

Read complete chapter 1 Corinthians 7