Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 69:14-25 Young's Literal Translation Of The Holy Bible (YLT98)

14. Deliver me from the mire, and let me not sink, Let me be delivered from those hating me, And from deep places of waters.

15. Let not a flood of waters overflow me, Nor let the deep swallow me up, Nor let the pit shut her mouth upon me.

16. Answer me, O Jehovah, for good [is] Thy kindness, According to the abundance Of Thy mercies turn Thou unto me,

17. And hide not Thy face from Thy servant, For I am in distress--haste, answer me.

18. Be near unto my soul--redeem it, Because of mine enemies ransom me.

19. Thou--Thou hast known my reproach, And my shame, and my blushing, Before Thee [are] all mine adversaries.

20. Reproach hath broken my heart, and I am sick, And I look for a bemoaner, and there is none, And for comforters, and I have found none.

21. And they give for my food gall, And for my thirst cause me to drink vinegar.

22. Their table before them is for a snare, And for a recompence--for a trap.

23. Darkened are their eyes from seeing, And their loins continually shake Thou.

24. Pour upon them Thine indignation, And the fierceness of Thine anger doth seize them.

25. Their tower is desolated, In their tents there is no dweller.

Read complete chapter Psalms 69