Old Testament

New Testament

Job 27:1-13 Young's Literal Translation Of The Holy Bible (YLT98)

1. And Job addeth to lift up his simile, and saith: --

2. God liveth! He turned aside my judgment, And the Mighty--He made my soul bitter.

3. For all the while my breath [is] in me, And the spirit of God in my nostrils.

4. My lips do not speak perverseness, And my tongue doth not utter deceit.

5. Pollution to me--if I justify you, Till I expire I turn not aside mine integrity from me.

6. On my righteousness I have laid hold, And I do not let it go, My heart doth not reproach me while I live.

7. As the wicked is my enemy, And my withstander as the perverse.

8. For what [is] the hope of the profane, When He doth cut off? When God doth cast off his soul?

9. His cry doth God hear, When distress cometh on him?

10. On the Mighty doth he delight himself? Call God at all times?

11. I shew you by the hand of God, That which [is] with the Mighty I hide not.

12. Lo, ye--all of you--have seen, And why [is] this--ye are altogether vain?

13. This [is] the portion of wicked man with God, And the inheritance of terrible ones From the Mighty they receive.

Read complete chapter Job 27