Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 4:3-12 Young's Literal Translation Of The Holy Bible (YLT98)

3. And it cometh to pass at the end of days that Cain bringeth from the fruit of the ground a present to Jehovah;

4. and Abel, he hath brought, he also, from the female firstlings of his flock, even from their fat ones; and Jehovah looketh unto Abel and unto his present,

5. and unto Cain and unto his present He hath not looked; and it is very displeasing to Cain, and his countenance is fallen.

6. And Jehovah saith unto Cain, `Why hast thou displeasure? and why hath thy countenance fallen?

7. Is there not, if thou dost well, acceptance? and if thou dost not well, at the opening a sin-offering is crouching, and unto thee its desire, and thou rulest over it.'

8. And Cain saith unto Abel his brother, [`Let us go into the field;'] and it cometh to pass in their being in the field, that Cain riseth up against Abel his brother, and slayeth him.

9. And Jehovah saith unto Cain, `Where [is] Abel thy brother?' and he saith, `I have not known; my brother's keeper--I?'

10. And He saith, `What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood is crying unto Me from the ground;

11. and now, cursed [art] thou from the ground, which hath opened her mouth to receive the blood of thy brother from thy hand;

12. when thou tillest the ground, it doth not add to give its strength to thee--a wanderer, even a trembling one, thou art in the earth.'

Read complete chapter Genesis 4