Old Testament

New Testament

1 Kings 18:43-46 Young's Literal Translation Of The Holy Bible (YLT98)

43. and saith unto his young man, `Go up, I pray thee, look attentively the way of the sea;' and he goeth up and looketh attentively, and saith, `There is nothing;' and he saith, `Turn back,' seven times.

44. And it cometh to pass, at the seventh, that he saith, `Lo, a little thickness as the palm of a man is coming up out of the sea.' And he saith, `Go up, say unto Ahab, `Bind--and go down, and the shower doth not restrain thee.'

45. And it cometh to pass, in the meantime, that the heavens have become black--thick clouds and wind--and the shower is great; and Ahab rideth, and goeth to Jezreel,

46. and the hand of Jehovah hath been on Elijah, and he girdeth up his loins, and runneth before Ahab, till thine entering Jezreel.

Read complete chapter 1 Kings 18