Old Testament

New Testament

Mark 9:17-26 Young's Literal Translation Of The Holy Bible (YLT98)

17. and one out of the multitude answering said, `Teacher, I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit;

18. and wherever it doth seize him, it doth tear him, and he foameth, and gnasheth his teeth, and pineth away; and I spake to thy disciples that they may cast it out, and they were not able.'

19. And he answering him, said, `O generation unbelieving, till when shall I be with you? till when shall I suffer you? bring him unto me;'

20. and they brought him unto him, and he having seen him, immediately the spirit tare him, and he, having fallen upon the earth, was wallowing--foaming.

21. And he questioned his father, `How long time is it since this came to him?' and he said, `From childhood,

22. and many times also it cast him into fire, and into water, that it might destroy him; but if thou art able to do anything, help us, having compassion on us.'

23. And Jesus said to him, `If thou art able to believe! all things are possible to the one that is believing;'

24. and immediately the father of the child, having cried out, with tears said, `I believe, sir; be helping mine unbelief.'

25. Jesus having seen that a multitude doth run together, rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, `Spirit--dumb and deaf--I charge thee, come forth out of him, and no more thou mayest enter into him;'

26. and having cried, and rent him much, it came forth, and he became as dead, so that many said that he was dead,

Read complete chapter Mark 9