Old Testament

New Testament

Mark 5:33-40 Young's Literal Translation Of The Holy Bible (YLT98)

33. and the woman, having been afraid, and trembling, knowing what was done on her, came, and fell down before him, and told him all the truth,

34. and he said to her, `Daughter, thy faith hath saved thee; go away in peace, and be whole from thy plague.'

35. As he is yet speaking, there come from the chief of the synagogue's [house, certain], saying--`Thy daughter did die, why still dost thou harass the Teacher?'

36. And Jesus immediately, having heard the word that is spoken, saith to the chief of the synagogue, `Be not afraid, only believe.'

37. And he did not suffer any one to follow with him, except Peter, and James, and John the brother of James;

38. and he cometh to the house of the chief of the synagogue, and seeth a tumult, much weeping and wailing;

39. and having gone in he saith to them, `Why do ye make a tumult, and weep? the child did not die, but doth sleep;

40. and they were laughing at him. And he, having put all forth, doth take the father of the child, and the mother, and those with him, and goeth in where the child is lying,

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