Old Testament

New Testament

Luke 19:7-18 Young's Literal Translation Of The Holy Bible (YLT98)

7. and having seen [it], they were all murmuring, saying--`With a sinful man he went in to lodge!'

8. And Zaccheus having stood, said unto the Lord, `Lo, the half of my goods, sir, I give to the poor, and if of any one anything I did take by false accusation, I give back fourfold.'

9. And Jesus said unto him--`To-day salvation did come to this house, inasmuch as he also is a son of Abraham;

10. for the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.'

11. And while they are hearing these things, having added he spake a simile, because of his being nigh to Jerusalem, and of their thinking that the reign of God is about presently to be made manifest.

12. He said therefore, `A certain man of birth went on to a far country, to take to himself a kingdom, and to return,

13. and having called ten servants of his own, he gave to them ten pounds, and said unto them, Do business--till I come;

14. and his citizens were hating him, and did send an embassy after him, saying, We do not wish this one to reign over us.

15. `And it came to pass, on his coming back, having taken the kingdom, that he commanded these servants to be called to him, to whom he gave the money, that he might know what any one had done in business.

16. `And the first came near, saying, Sir, thy pound did gain ten pounds;

17. and he said to him, Well done, good servant, because in a very little thou didst become faithful, be having authority over ten cities.

18. `And the second came, saying, Sir, thy pound made five pounds;

Read complete chapter Luke 19