Old Testament

New Testament

Acts 11:1-7 Young's Literal Translation Of The Holy Bible (YLT98)

1. And the apostles and the brethren who are in Judea heard that also the nations did receive the word of God,

2. and when Peter came up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision were contending with him,

3. saying--`Unto men uncircumcised thou didst go in, and didst eat with them!'

4. And Peter having begun, did expound to them in order saying,

5. `I was in the city of Joppa praying, and I saw in a trance a vision, a certain vessel coming down, as a great sheet by four corners being let down out of the heaven, and it came unto me;

6. at which having looked stedfastly, I was considering, and I saw the four-footed beasts of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the creeping things, and the fowls of heaven;

7. and I heard a voice saying to me, Having risen, Peter, slay and eat;

Read complete chapter Acts 11