Old Testament

New Testament

Acts 7:35-54 World Messianic Bible (WMB)

35. “This Moses, whom they refused, saying, ‘Who made you a ruler and a judge?’—God has sent him as both a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush.

36. This man led them out, having worked wonders and signs in Egypt, in the Sea of Suf, and in the wilderness for forty years.

37. This is that Moses, who said to the children of Israel, ‘The Lord our God will raise up a prophet for you from among your brothers, like me.’

38. This is he who was in the assembly in the wilderness with the angel that spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, who received living revelations to give to us,

39. to whom our fathers wouldn’t be obedient, but rejected him, and turned back in their hearts to Egypt,

40. saying to Aaron, ‘Make us gods that will go before us, for as for this Moses, who led us out of the land of Egypt, we don’t know what has become of him.’

41. They made a calf in those days, and brought a sacrifice to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their hands.

42. But God turned, and gave them up to serve the army of the sky, as it is written in the book of the prophets,‘Did you offer to me slain animals and sacrificesforty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?

43. You took up the tabernacle of Moloch,the star of your god Rephan,the figures which you made to worship.I will carry you away beyond Babylon.’

44. “Our fathers had the tabernacle of the testimony in the wilderness, even as he who spoke to Moses commanded him to make it according to the pattern that he had seen;

45. which also our fathers, in their turn, brought in with Joshua when they entered into the possession of the nations, whom God drove out before the face of our fathers, to the days of David,

46. who found favor in the sight of God, and asked to find a habitation for the God of Jacob.

47. But Solomon built him a house.

48. However, the Most High doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says,

49. ‘heaven is my throne,and the earth a footstool for my feet.What kind of house will you build me?’ says the Lord.‘Or what is the place of my rest?

50. Didn’t my hand make all these things?’

51. “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit! As your fathers did, so you do.

52. Which of the prophets didn’t your fathers persecute? They killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One, of whom you have now become betrayers and murderers.

53. You received the Torah as it was ordained by angels, and didn’t keep it!”

54. Now when they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth.

Read complete chapter Acts 7