Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 49:4-12 World Messianic Bible British Edition (WMBBE)

4. Why do you boast in the valleys,your flowing valley, backsliding daughter?You trusted in her treasures,saying, ‘Who will come to me?’

5. Behold, I will bring a terror on you,”says the Lord, the Lord of Hosts,“from all who are around you.All of you will be driven completely out,and there will be no one to gather together the fugitives.

6. “But afterward I will reverse the captivity of the children of Ammon,”says the Lord.

7. Of Edom, the Lord of Hosts says:“Is wisdom no more in Teman?Has counsel perished from the prudent?Has their wisdom vanished?

8. Flee! Turn back!Dwell in the depths, inhabitants of Dedan;for I will bring the calamity of Esau on him when I visit him.

9. If grape gatherers came to you,would they not leave some gleaning grapes?If thieves came by night,wouldn’t they steal until they had enough?

10. But I have made Esau bare,I have uncovered his secret places,and he will not be able to hide himself.His offspring is destroyed,with his brothers and his neighbours;and he is no more.

11. Leave your fatherless children.I will preserve them alive.Let your widows trust in me.”

12. For the Lord says: “Behold, they to whom it didn’t pertain to drink of the cup will certainly drink; and are you he who will altogether go unpunished? You won’t go unpunished, but you will surely drink.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 49