Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach 36:16-24 World English Bible (WEB)

16. Give reward to them that wait for you: And men shall put their trust in your prophets.

17. Hearken, O Lord, to the prayer of your suppliants, According to the blessing of Aaron concerning your people; And all they that are on the earth shall know That you are the Lord, the eternal God.

18. The belly will eat any meat; Yet is one meat better than another.

19. The mouth tastes meats taken in hunting: So does an understanding heart false speeches.

20. A froward heart will cause heaviness: And a man of experience will recompense him.

21. A woman will receive any man; But one daughter is better than another.

22. The beauty of a woman cheers the countenance; And a man desires nothing so much.

23. If there is on her tongue mercy and meekness, Her husband is not like the sons of men.

24. He that gets a wife enters upon a possession: A help meet for him, and a pillar of rest.

Read complete chapter Sirach 36