Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach 25:1-5 World English Bible (WEB)

1. In three things I was beautified, And stood up beautiful before the Lord and men: The concord of brethren, and friendship of neighbors, And a woman and her husband that walk together in agreement.

2. But three sorts of men my soul hates, And I am greatly offended at their life: A poor man that is haughty, and a rich man that is a liar, And an old man that is an adulterer lacking understanding.

3. In your youth you have not gathered, And how should you find in your old age?

4. How beautiful a thing is judgement for gray hairs, And for elders to know counsel!

5. How beautiful is the wisdom of old men, And thought and counsel to men that are in honor!

Read complete chapter Sirach 25