Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 13:28-47 World English Bible (WEB)

28. And he set up seven pyramids, one over against another, for his father, and his mother, and his four brethren.

29. And for these he made cunning devices, setting about them great pillars, and upon the pillars he fashioned all manner of arms for a perpetual memory, and beside the arms ships carved, that they should be seen of all that sail on the sea.

30. This is the sepulchre which he made at Modin, and it is there to this day.

31. Now Tryphon dealt deceitfully with the young king Antiochus, and killed him,

32. and reigned in his stead, and put on himself the diadem of Asia, and brought a great calamity upon the land.

33. And Simon built the strongholds of Judaea, and fenced them about with high towers, and great walls, and gates, and bars; and he laid up food in the strongholds.

34. And Simon chose men, and sent to king Demetrius, to the end he should give the country an immunity, because all that Tryphon did was to plunder.

35. And king Demetrius sent to him according to these words, and answered him, and wrote a letter to him, after this manner:

36. King Demetrius to Simon the high priest and Friend of kings, and to the elders and nation of the Jews, greeting:

37. The golden crown, and the palm branch, which you⌃ sent, we have received: and we are ready to make a stedfast peace with you, yes, and to write to our officers, to grant immunities to you.

38. And whatever things we confirmed to you, they are confirmed; and the strongholds, which you⌃ have builded, let them be your own.

39. As for any oversights and faults committed to this day, we forgive them, and the crown which you⌃ owed us: and if there were any other toll exacted in Jerusalem, let it be exacted no longer.

40. And if there be any among you meet to be enrolled in our court, let them be enrolled, and let there be peace between us.

41. In the hundred and seventies year was the yoke of the heathen taken away from Israel.

42. And the people began to write in their instruments and contracts, In the first year of Simon, the great high priest and captain and leader of the Jews.

43. In those days he encamped against Gazara, and compassed it round about with armies; and he made an engine of siege, and brought it up to the city, and struck a tower, and took it.

44. And they that were in the engine leaped forth into the city; and there was a great uproar in the city:

45. and they of the city tore their clothes, and went up on the walls with their wives and children, and cried with a loud voice, making request to Simon to give them his right hand.

46. And they said, Deal not with us according to our wickednesses, but according to your mercy.

47. And Simon was reconciled to them, and did not fight against them: and he put them out of the city, and cleansed the houses wherein the idols were, and so entered into it with singing and giving praise.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 13