Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 6:12-22 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

12. A scoundrel, a wicked man, is one who goes around with a perverse mouth,

13. winking his eyes, shuffling his feet, pointing his fingers,

14. who continually plots evil with deceit in his heart stirring up strife.

15. Therefore his disaster will come suddenly —in an instant he will be broken, with no remedy.

16. Six things Adonai hates, yes, seven are abominations to Him:

17. haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,

18. a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet that run to evil,

19. a false witness who spouts lies, and one who stirs up strife among brothers.

20. My son, keep your father’s mitzvah, and forsake not your mother’s teaching.

21. Bind them on your heart continually— tie them around your neck.

22. When you walk, they will guide you. When you lie down, they will watch over you, and when you wake up, they will speak to you.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 6