Old Testament

New Testament

Matthew 8:19-34 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

19. Then a Torah scholar came to Him and said, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.”

20. Yeshua tells him, “Foxes have dens and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”

21. Then another of the disciples said, “Master, first let me go and bury my father.”

22. But Yeshua tells him, “Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”

23. As He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him.

24. Suddenly a great storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was being covered by the waves. But Yeshua kept on sleeping.

25. So they came and woke Him up, saying, “Master, save us! We’re perishing!”

26. He said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became totally calm.

27. The men were amazed, saying, “What kind of person is this? Even the winds and the sea obey Him!”

28. When He came to the other side, into the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-plagued men coming from the graveyard met Him. They were so violent that no one could pass by that way.

29. And they screamed, “What’s between You and us, Ben-Elohim? Have You come here to torment us, before the appointed time?”

30. Now a large herd of pigs was feeding some distance away from them.

31. The demons kept begging Him, “If You drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”

32. And He told them, “Go!” So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the cliff into the sea and drowned.

33. The herdsmen ran away, went into the town, and told everything, including what had happened to the demon-plagued men.

34. The whole town came out to meet Yeshua. And when they saw him, they begged Him to leave their region.

Read complete chapter Matthew 8