Old Testament

New Testament

Matthew 10:2-18 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

2. Now these are the names of the twelve emissaries: first, Simon, called Peter, and his brother Andrew; Jacob the son of Zebedee and John his brother;

3. Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; Jacob, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus;

4. Simon the Zealot, and Judah the man from Kriot, the one who also betrayed Him.

5. Yeshua sent out these twelve and ordered them, “Do not go to the Gentiles, and do not enter into any Samaritan town.

6. But go instead to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

7. As you go, proclaim, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near!’

8. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with tza'arat, drive out demons. Freely you received, freely give.

9. Do not get gold or silver or copper for your money belts,

10. or a bag for the journey, or two shirts, or sandals, or a walking stick; for the worker is entitled to his food.

11. “Whatever town or village you shall enter, find out who in it is worthy and stay there until you leave.

12. As you come into the house, greet it.

13. If the household is worthy, let your shalom come upon it. But if it’s not worthy, let your shalom return to you.

14. And whoever will not receive you or listen to your words, as you leave that house or that town, shake the dust off your feet.

15. Amen, I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the Day of Judgment than for that town.

16. “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

17. But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the courts and flog you in their synagogues.

18. You will be brought before governors and kings because of Me, as a witness to them and to the Gentiles.

Read complete chapter Matthew 10