Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 13:4-13 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

4. And these were their names. From the tribe of Re’uḇĕn: Shammua, son of Zakkur.

5. From the tribe of Shim‛on: Shaphat, son of Ḥori.

6. From the tribe of Yehuḏah: Kalĕḇ, son of Yephunneh.

7. From the tribe of Yissasḵar: Yig̅’al, son of Yosĕph.

8. From the tribe of Ephrayim: Hoshĕa, son of Nun.

9. From the tribe of Binyamin: Palti, son of Raphu.

10. From the tribe of Zeḇulun: Gaddi’ĕl, son of Soḏi.

11. From the tribe of Yosĕph, from the tribe of Menashsheh: Gaddi, son of Susi.

12. From the tribe of Dan: Ammi’ĕl, son of Gemalli.

13. From the tribe of Ashĕr: Shĕthur, son of Miḵa’ĕl.

Read complete chapter Numbers 13