Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 10:14-19 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

14. And the banner of the camp of the children of Yehuḏah departed first according to their divisions. And over their army was Naḥshon, son of Amminaḏaḇ.

15. And over the army of the tribe of the children of Yissasḵar was Nethanĕ’l, son of Tsu‛ar.

16. And over the army of the tribe of the children of Zeḇulun was Eliyaḇ, son of Ḥĕlon.

17. And the Dwelling Place was taken down. And the sons of Gĕreshon and the sons of Merari departed, bearing the Dwelling Place.

18. And the banner of the camp of Re’uḇĕn departed according to their divisions. And over their army was Elitsur, son of Sheḏĕy’ur.

19. And over the army of the tribe of the children of Shim‛on was Shelumi’ĕl, son of Tsurishaddai.

Read complete chapter Numbers 10