Old Testament

New Testament

Nehemiah 7:36-48 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

36. sons of Yeriḥo, three hundred and forty-five;

37. sons of Loḏ, Ḥaḏiḏ, and Ono, seven hundred and twenty-one;

38. sons of Sena’ah, three thousand nine hundred and thirty.

39. The priests: sons of Yeḏayah, of the house of Yĕshua, nine hundred and seventy-three;

40. sons of Immĕr, one thousand and fifty-two;

41. sons of Pashhur, one thousand two hundred and forty-seven;

42. sons of Ḥarim, one thousand and seventeen.

43. The Lĕwites: sons of Yĕshua, of Qaḏmi’ĕl, of the sons of Hoḏewah, seventy-four.

44. The singers: sons of Asaph, one hundred and forty-eight.

45. The gatekeepers: sons of Shallum, sons of Atĕr, sons of Talmon, sons of Aqquḇ, sons of Ḥatita, sons of Shoḇai, one hundred and thirty-eight.

46. The Nethinim: sons of Tsiḥa, sons of Ḥasupha, sons of Tabba‛oth,

47. sons of Qĕyros, sons of Si‛a, sons of Paḏon,

48. sons of Leḇanah, sons of Ḥag̅aḇa, sons of Salmai,

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