Old Testament

New Testament

Job 15:11-25 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

11. Are the comforts of Ěl not enough for you – and a word that deals gently with you?

12. What have you taken to heart? And why do your eyes flash?

13. That you should turn your spirit against Ěl, and let such words go out of your mouth?

14. What is man, that he should be clean? And one born of a woman, that he should be righteous?

15. Look, He puts no trust in His set-apart ones, and the heavens are not clean in His eyes,

16. how much less one who is loathsome and corrupt, drinking unrighteousness like water!

17. Let me show you – hear me – and this I have seen and declare,

18. which the wise declare, and have not hidden from their fathers,

19. to them alone the land was given, and no stranger passed over into their midst:

20. All the days of the wrong one he is paining himself, and few years have been stored up for the ruthless.

21. A frightening sound is in his ears; in peace a destroyer comes to him.

22. He believes not to return from darkness, and he is reserved for the sword.

23. He wanders about for food – where is it? He knows that a day of darkness is prepared for him.

24. Distress and pain frighten him – they overwhelm him, like a sovereign ready for the attack.

25. Because he has stretched out his hand against Ěl, and acts mightily against the Almighty.

Read complete chapter Job 15