Old Testament

New Testament

Job 15:1-11 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

1. And Eliphaz the Tĕmanite answered and said,

2. “Would a wise man answer with vain knowledge, or fill his belly with the east wind?

3. Would he reason with useless talk, or by speeches with which do not profit?

4. Indeed, you do away with reverence, and withhold prayer before Ěl.

5. For your crookedness teaches your mouth what to say, and you choose the tongue of the crafty.

6. Not I, but your own mouth condemns you. And your own lips witness against you.

7. Were you the first one born? Or were you made before the hills?

8. Have you heard the secret counsel of Eloah? And do you limit wisdom to yourself?

9. What do you know that we do not know – understand, that is not within us?

10. Both the grey-haired and the aged are among us, much older than your father.

11. Are the comforts of Ěl not enough for you – and a word that deals gently with you?

Read complete chapter Job 15