Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 37:27-34 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

27. “Come and let us sell him to the Yishma‛ĕlites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother, our flesh.” And his brothers listened.

28. And men, Miḏyanite traders passed by, so they pulled Yosĕph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Yishma‛ĕlites for twenty pieces of silver. And they took Yosĕph to Mitsrayim.

29. And Re’uḇĕn returned to the pit, and see, Yosĕph was not in the pit. And he tore his garments.

30. And he returned to his brothers and said, “The boy is gone! And I, where am I to go?”

31. So they took Yosĕph’s robe, killed a male goat, and dipped the robe in the blood,

32. and sent the long robe and brought it to their father and said, “We have found this. Please look, is it the robe of your son or not?”

33. And he recognised it and said, “It is my son’s robe. An evil beast has devoured him. Yosĕph is torn, torn to pieces.”

34. And Ya‛aqoḇ tore his garments, and put sackcloth on his waist, and mourned for his son many days.

Read complete chapter Genesis 37