Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 35:19-29 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

19. So Raḥĕl died and was buried on the way to Ephrath, that is Bĕyth Leḥem.

20. And Ya‛aqoḇ set a standing column on her grave, which is the monument of Raḥĕl’s grave to this day.

21. And Yisra’ĕl set out and pitched his tent beyond the tower of Ěḏer.

22. And it came to be, when Yisra’ĕl dwelt in that land, that Re’uḇĕn went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine. And Yisra’ĕl heard about it. Now the sons of Ya‛aqoḇ were twelve:

23. the sons of Lĕ’ah were Re’uḇĕn, Ya‛aqoḇ’s first-born, and Shim‛on, and Lĕwi, and Yehuḏah, and Yissasḵar, and Zeḇulun;

24. the sons of Raḥĕl were Yosĕph and Binyamin;

25. the sons of Bilhah, Raḥĕl’s female servant, were Dan and Naphtali;

26. and the sons of Zilpah, Lĕ’ah’s female servant, were Gaḏ and Ashĕr. These were the sons of Ya‛aqoḇ who were born to him in Paddan Aram.

27. And Ya‛aqoḇ came to his father Yitsḥaq at Mamrĕ, or Qiryath Arba, that is Ḥeḇron, where Aḇraham and Yitsḥaq had dwelt.

28. And the days of Yitsḥaq were one hundred and eighty years.

29. So Yitsḥaq breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his people, aged and satisfied of days. And his sons Ěsaw and Ya‛aqoḇ buried him.

Read complete chapter Genesis 35