Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 36:32-36 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

32. “Not for your sake am I acting,” declares the Master יהוה, “let it be known to you. Be ashamed and blush for your ways, O house of Yisra’ĕl!”

33. ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “On the day that I cleanse you from all your crookednesses, I shall cause the cities to be inhabited, and the ruined places shall be rebuilt,

34. and the land that was laid waste tilled instead of being a ruin before the eyes of all who pass by.

35. “And they shall say, ‘This land that was laid waste has become like the garden of Ěḏen. And the wasted, the deserted, and the destroyed cities are now walled and inhabited.’

36. “Then the gentiles which are left all around you shall know that I, יהוה, have rebuilt the destroyed places and planted what was laid waste. I, יהוה, have spoken it, and I shall do it.”

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 36