Old Testament

New Testament

Esther 8:1-8 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

1. On that day Sovereign Aḥashwĕrosh gave to Sovereigness Estĕr the house of Haman, the adversary of the Yehuḏim. And Mordeḵai came before the sovereign, for Estĕr had explained what he was to her.

2. And the sovereign took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordeḵai. And Estĕr appointed Mordeḵai over the house of Haman.

3. And Estĕr spoke to the sovereign again, and fell down at his feet and begged him with tears to put an end to the evil of Haman the Ag̅ag̅ite, and his plot which he had plotted against the Yehuḏim.

4. And the sovereign held out the golden sceptre toward Estĕr. And Estĕr arose and stood before the sovereign,

5. and said, “If it pleases the sovereign, and if I have found favour in his sight and the matter is right before the sovereign and I am pleasing in his eyes, let it be written to bring back the letters, the plot by Haman, son of Hammeḏatha the Ag̅ag̅ite, which he wrote to destroy the Yehuḏim who are in all the sovereign’s provinces.

6. “For how could I bear to see the evil coming to my people? Or how could I bear to see the destruction of my relatives?”

7. And Sovereign Aḥashwĕrosh said to Sovereigness Estĕr and Mordeḵai the Yehuḏite, “Look, I have given Estĕr the house of Haman, and they have impaled him on the stake because he laid his hand on the Yehuḏim.

8. “Now you write on behalf of the Yehuḏim, as it pleases you, in the sovereign’s name, and seal it with the sovereign’s signet ring. For a letter which is written in the sovereign’s name and sealed with the sovereign’s signet ring no one turns back.”

Read complete chapter Esther 8