Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 25:33-34-38 The Message (MSG)

33. Laid end to end, those killed in God’s judgment that day will stretch from one end of the earth to the other. No tears will be shed and no burials conducted. The bodies will be left where they fall, like so much horse dung fertilizing the fields.

34-38. Wail, shepherds! Cry out for help!Grovel in the dirt, you masters of flocks!Time’s up—you’re slated for the slaughterhouse,like a choice ram with its throat cut.There’s no way out for the rulers,no escape for those shepherds.Hear that? Rulers crying for help,shepherds of the flock wailing!God is about to ravage their fine pastures.The peaceful sheepfolds will be silent with death,silenced by God’s deadly anger.God will come out into the openlike a lion leaping from its cover,And the country will be torn to pieces,ripped and ravaged by his anger.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 25