Old Testament

2 Corinthians 2:6-15 St Paul from the Trenches 1916 (GWC)

6. Your own knowledge of his wrong-doing is quite enough punishment for him;

7-9. therefore remember him kindly, be gracious and forgiving towards him; for excessive mortification and punishment only completes a man's downfall. And remember that in doing so, you represent my feelings also.

10. I forgive where you do so; for remember that that forgiveness was for your sake; in the Christ and with your own love set before me I forgave that sin,

11. lest by its means Satan might wrestle me a fall. I know his readiness to lay hold of anything in that nature and to get my mind captive thereby.

12. I reached Troas then on this intended journey,

13. but arrived there I found no help, no one to work with me, for Titus my brother alone could have helped me. A great door was opened for me there, and I had come to proclaim the Christ, yet I could not stay, I was not able to endure without Titus, so I bade them farewell and crossed into Europe.

14. Yet in my weakness God himself continually causes me to triumph. It is in the Christ that this happens.

15. Through me the fragrance of the knowledge of God is filling the world, like the sweet savour of incense and sacrifice. It is the divine freshness of life in the Christ which forms this fragrance and which makes men whole, and continually points onward to an ever increasing measure of life, and all its infinite possibilities, when released from fate and death.

Read complete chapter 2 Corinthians 2