Old Testament

2 Corinthians 11:6-21 St Paul from the Trenches 1916 (GWC)

6. Even though my speech be not remarkable, my knowledge is above question, and you all of you know all about me, I have kept nothing back.

7. But the very things which I did specially for your sake they wrest to their own point of view, and bring against me — that you never paid me a salary, never kept me out of your funds,

8-11. that I preached the gospel in independence, as a free gift, that I humbled myself, and would not be paid anything for my services, but rather was helped by other churches in Asia, and laid no burden upon you? Was this sin in me?

12. I did it, because they do the same, and because I knew that if I did differently, they would turn that against me.

13. For these men are false apostles, their work is not honest, they transform themselves indeed into apostles of the Christ.

14. But remember that Satan himself can appear as an angel of light,

15. and his servants, be sure, will do the same; if they can remain hidden, they will be in the guise of servants of this new perfection. Beware of them, and listen to my defence. Not one of them can say that any of the grounds I have for your confidence and trust is false or untrue.My boasting none can refute, no one in Achaia can gainsay it.

16-18. Call me then foolish, if I boast, but hear me for once whilst I enumerate my own deeds in the apostleship and like them boast of my extreme spirituality and the privileges and powers conferred on me by God. I speak as a fool, and not according to the Lord. Yet hear me.

19. Gentleness and forbearance, recollect, are a mark of your profession.

20. And therefore you are gentle, you do not retaliate, when men make prisoners of you, when they make you feed and support them, when they take every advantage of you, and even are openly insolent and overbearing towards you. If they have done this, the dishonour is mine too, if I have been weak in my behaviour. But I will be “weak” no longer. If others boast, I will boast too.

21. And if others are bold, then I will outface them, and override them, and meet them on their own ground — yet in all this not as a wise man, but as a fool. Yes, I allow it, as a fool, therefore imitate me not, but continue in your habitual forbearance towards the foolishness of the world, whilst I display my own error by grappling with these traitors on their own ground.

Read complete chapter 2 Corinthians 11