Old Testament

New Testament

Zecharyah 14:1-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Hinei, a day cometh for Hashem, when the plunder taken from thee shall among thee be divided.

2. For I will gather kol HaGoyim against Yerushalayim for milchamah (battle, war); and HaIr (the city, Yerushalayim) shall be taken, and the batim (houses) plundered, and the women ravished; and half of HaIr shall go forth into the Golus (exile), and the rest of the people shall not be cut off from HaIr.

3. Then shall Hashem go forth, and fight against those Goyim, as He fights in the Yom Krav (day of battle).

4. And in Yom HaHu, His raglayim (feet; see Ac 1:11-12) shall stand upon the Mount of Olives, which is east of Yerushalayim, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a gey gedolah me'od (a very great valley), with half of the mountain moving to the north, and half of it to the south.

5. And ye shall flee to the gey (valley) in the mountains; for the gey (valley) of the harim (mountains) shall extend unto Atzel; yea, ye shall flee, just as ye fled from before the ra'ash (earthquake) in the days of Uziyah Melech Yehudah; and Hashem Elohai shall come, and kol Kadoshim (all the holy ones) with Thee [see Daniel 7:13-14].

6. And it shall come to pass in Yom HaHu, that there shall no longer be cold or frost:

7. But it shall be Yom Echad, known to Hashem, with no Yom, nor Lailah; but it shall come to pass, that at erev it shall be ohr.

Read complete chapter Zecharyah 14