Old Testament

New Testament

Yoel 2:9-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. They shall run to and fro in the ir (city); they shall run upon the chomah, they shall climb up into the batim (houses); they shall enter in at the windows like the ganav.

10. The eretz shall quake before them; the Shomayim shall tremble; the shemesh and the yarei'ach shall be dark, and the kokhavim shall withdraw their shining;

11. And Hashem shall utter His voice before His army; His machaneh (camp) is very great; for the executor of His devar (word, command) is strong; for the Yom Hashem is gadol and very terrible; and who can endure it?

12. Therefore also now, saith Hashem, turn ye back to Me with all your lev, and with tzom, and with weeping, and with mourning;

13. And rend your lev, and not your garments, and turn unto Hashem Eloheichem; for He is channun (gracious) and rachum (merciful), slow to anger, and of rav chesed, and He relents from sending calamity.

14. Who knoweth but that He will return and have pity, and leave behind Him a berakhah; even a minchah and a nesekh unto Hashem Eloheichem?

15. Blow the shofar in Tziyon, sanctify a tzom, call an atzarah (solemn assembly);

16. Gather the people, set apart as kodesh the kahal (congregation), assemble the zekenim, gather the olalim, even those nursing at the breast; let the choson go forth of his cheder, and the kallah out of her chuppah (canopy).

17. Let the kohanim, the mesharetim of Hashem, weep between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach, and let them say, Spare Thy people, Hashem, and make not Thine nachalah (inheritance) an object of scorn, a byword among the Goyim. Why should they say among the peoples, Where is their G-d?

Read complete chapter Yoel 2