Old Testament

New Testament

Yirmeyah 8:13-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. I would surely have harvested them, saith Hashem, but no grapes are on the gefen, nor te'enim (figs) on the te'enah (fig tree), even the leaf shall wither; and the things that I have given them shall pass away from them.

14. Why do we sit still? Assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fortified cities, and let us perish there; for Hashem Eloheinu hath made us to perish, and given us mey rosh (poisonous water) to drink, because we have sinned against Hashem.

15. We looked for shalom, but no tov came; and for et marpeh (a time of healing), and, hinei, terror!

16. The snorting of his [the foe from the north] susim (horses) was heard from Dan; kol ha'aretz trembled at the sound of the neighing of his stallions; for they are come, and have devoured eretz, and all that is in it; the Ir (city, i.e., the city of Dan in the north of Israel), and those that dwell therein.

17. For, hinei, I will send nachashim, tzifonim (vipers), among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith Hashem.

18. When I would comfort myself against sorrow, my lev is faint within me.

19. Hinei, the voice of the cry of the Bat Ami from eretz markhakim (a land of places far away): is Hashem not in Tziyon? Is her Melech not in her? Why have they provoked Me to anger with their pesilim (idols), and with alien vanities (futile foreign g-ds)?

20. The katzir (harvest) is past, kayitz (summer) is ended, and loh noshanu (we are not saved [from coming judgment and punishment]).

21. For the hurt of the Bat Ami am I hurt; I mourn; desolation hath taken hold on me.

22. Is there no tzori (medicinal balsam or balm) in Gil`ad; is there no rofeh (physician) there? Why then is the health of the Bat Ami not recovered?

Read complete chapter Yirmeyah 8