Old Testament

New Testament

Yeshayah 61:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. The Ruach [Hakodesh] of Adonoi Hashem is upon me [Moshiach], because Hashem mashach (hath anointed) me [Moshiach] to preach besurah (good news, glad tidings) unto the anavim (meek, poor, oppressed); He hath sent me to bind up the nishberei lev (the brokenhearted), to proclaim deror (freedom, liberty) for the shevuyim ([Golus] captives), and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

2. To proclaim the Shnat Ratzon L'Hashem (the year of the L-rd's favor and grace), and the Yom Nakam L'Eloheinu (our G-d's Day of Vengeance); to comfort all the avelim (mourners);

3. To grant unto Avelei Tziyon (Mourners of Zion), giving unto them a flower wreath instead of ashes, the shemen sasson (oil of joy) instead of avel (mourning), the garment of tehillah (praise) for the ruach of keheh (fainting, a heavy spirit); that they might be called Eilei HaTzedek (Oaks of Righteousness), the planting of Hashem, that He might be glorified.

4. And they shall rebuild charvot olam (the old ruins), they shall raise up the shomemot rishonim (former desolations), and they shall make new the cities of chorev (ruin), the shomemot (desolations) dor vador.

5. And zarim shall stand and shepherd your tzon, and bnei nekhar shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.

Read complete chapter Yeshayah 61