Old Testament

New Testament

Yeshayah 45:9-23 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. Woe unto him that quarreleth with his Yotzer-a potsherd among the potsherds of adamah. Shall the chomer (clay) say to the Yotzer of it, What art Thou making? Or Thy po'al (work) hath no handles?

10. Woe unto him that saith unto his Av, What begettest thou? Or to the isha, What hast thou given birth to?

11. Thus saith Hashem, Kadosh Yisroel, and its Yotzer, Will ye ask Me of otiyyot (things to come, future things) concerning My banim, and will ye command Me regarding the po'al of My hands?

12. I made Eretz, and I created adam upon it; I, even My hands, have stretched out Shomayim, and all their tzeva have I commanded.

13. I have aroused him [Cyrus] in tzedek, and I will make straight all the darkhei of him; he shall rebuild my city, and he shall release of the Golus of Mine, not for price nor reward, saith Hashem Tzva'os.

14. Thus saith Hashem, The toil of Mitzrayim, and merchandise of Kush and of the Seva'im (Sabeans, those from Seba in Arabia), men of tall stature, shall come over unto thee, and they shall be thine: they shall come after thee; in chains they shall come over, and they shall cast themselves down unto thee, they shall make supplication unto thee, saying, Surely El (G-d) is with thee; and there is none other, no other Elohim.

15. Verily Thou art El (G-d) that hidest Thyself, O Elohei Yisroel, Moshi'a.

16. They shall be put to shame, and also confounded, all of them; they shall go to confusion together that are charashei tzirim (crafters of images, idols).

17. But Yisroel shall be saved in Hashem with a Teshuat Olamim (an everlasting salvation); ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded ad olemei ad (for all eternity).

18. For thus saith Hashem Borei HaShomayim hu HaElohim Yotzer ha'aretz and its Maker; He hath established it, He created it not tohu (chaos), He formed it to be inhabited; I am Hashem; and there is no other [G-d].

19. I have not spoken baseter (in secret), in a makom eretz choshech; I said not unto the zera Ya'akov, Seek ye Me tohu (in chaos); I am Hashem, the One speaking tzedek, proclaiming meisharim (upright things).

20. Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye that are fugitives escaped of the Goyim; they have no da'as (knowledge, rationality) that burden themselves with their etz pesel (wooden idol), the ones davening to an el lo yoshia (g-d who cannot save).

21. Declare ye, and approach; yes, let them take counsel together. Who hath made this known from mikedem (from olden time)? Who hath preached it from long ago? Have not I, Hashem? And there is no other Elohim besides Me: El Tzaddik and Moshi'a; there is none besides Me.

22. Turn unto Me, and be ye saved, kol afsei Eretz (all the ends of the Earth); I am El (G-d), and there is no other [G-d].

23. I have sworn by Myself, the Word has gone out of My mouth of tzedakah (righteousness), and shall not yashuv (return, be revoked), that unto Me kol berekh (every knee) shall bow, kol lashon (every tongue) shall swear.

Read complete chapter Yeshayah 45