Old Testament

New Testament

Yeshayah 41:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Keep silence before Me, O iyim (islands); and let the people renew their ko'ach (strength); let them come near; then let them speak; let us come near together for mishpat (judgment, i.e., G-d's tribunal)

2. Who awakened the just one [Koresh, Cyrus 44:28] from the mizrach (east), called him to His raglayim, gave the Goyim before him, and made him rule over melachim? He gave them as the aphar to his [the conqueror's] cherev, and as windblown kash (chaff, stubble) to his [the conqueror's] keshet (bow).

3. He [the conqueror] pursued them, and passed on in shalom; even by the orach (path) that his feet do not even come.

4. Who hath wrought and done it, calling forth the dorot from the beginning? I Hashem, the Rishon (First), and with the Acharonim (Last ones); I am He.

5. The iyim (islands) saw it, and feared; the ketzot ha'aretz (ends of the earth) trembled; they approached and came near.

6. They helped everyone his re'a; and everyone said to his brother, chazak!

7. So the charash (craftsman) encouraged the tzoref (goldsmith), and he that smootheth with the patish (hammer) encouraged him that strikes the anvil, saying, of the soldering, tov hu; and he fastened it with nails, so that it should not topple.

8. But thou, Yisroel, art Avdi, Ya'akov whom I have chosen, the zera Avraham Ohavi (My friend).

Read complete chapter Yeshayah 41