Old Testament

New Testament

Yeshayah 38:14-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. Like a swallow or a crane, so did I chirp; I did moan like a yonah; mine eyes grew weak from looking heavenward; Adonoi, I am oppressed; go surety for me.

15. What shall I say? He hath both promised me, and Himself hath done it; I shall walk quietly all my shanot in the mar (bitterness) of my nefesh.

16. Adonoi, by these things men live, and in all these things is the life of my ruach; so Thou recovered me to health, and made me to live.

17. Hinei, for shalom (benefit) did I have great bitterness; for Thou hast in love to my nefesh delivered it from the shachat (pit) of destruction; for Thou hast cast all my chatta'im behind Thy back.

18. For Sheol cannot thank Thee, mavet can not praise Thee; they that go down into the bor (pit) cannot hope for Thy emes.

19. The living, the living, he shall thank Thee, as I do today; av to banim shall make known Thy emes.

20. Hashem will save me; therefore we will sing with stringed instruments kol yemei chayyeinu (all the days of our life) in the Beis Hashem.

21. For Yeshayah had said, Let them take a cake of te'enim, and apply it upon the shechin (boil, inflamed spot), and he shall recover.

22. Chizkiyahu also had said, What is the Ot (Sign) that I shall go up to the Beis Hashem [See 2Kgs 20:8 which speaks about Yom HaShlishi and on Moshiach cf Isa 53:8 and Isa 38:10-11 and Ps 16 and Isa 38:17.]

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