Old Testament

New Testament

Yeshayah 37:4-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. It may be Hashem Eloheicha will hear the words of Rav Shakeh, whom Melech Ashur adonav hath sent to ridicule the Elohim Chai, and will rebuke the devarim which Hashem Eloheicha hath heard; therefore lift up thy tefillah for the she'erit that are left surviving.

5. So the avadim of HaMelech Chizkiyah came to Yeshayah.

6. And Yeshayah said unto them, Thus shall ye say unto adoneichem, Thus saith Hashem, Be not afraid before the words that thou hast heard, wherewith the na'arei Melech Ashur have made gidduf (blasphemy) against Me.

7. Hineni, I will put a ruach in him, when he shall hear a shemuah (report), and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the cherev in his own land.

8. So Rav Shakeh left [Yerushalayim], and found Melech Ashur warring against Livnah; for he had heard that he [Melech Ashur] was departed from Lachish.

9. And he heard concerning Tirhakah Melech Kush, He is come forth to make war with thee. And when he heard it, he sent malachim to Chizkiyah, saying,

10. Thus shall ye speak to Chizkiyah Melech Yehudah, saying, Let not Eloheicha, in Whom thou trustest, deceive thee, saying, Yerushalayim shall not be given into the yad Melech Ashur.

Read complete chapter Yeshayah 37