Old Testament

New Testament

Yeshayah 26:14-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. They are mesim (dead ones), they shall not live; they are refa'im (dead ones) [see Job 26:5], they shall not rise; therefore Thou hast visited and destroyed them, and made all their zekher (memory) to perish.

15. Thou hast increased the Goy (nation, people), Hashem, Thou hast increased the Goy; Thou hast gained glory; Thou hadst extended all the borders of the Eretz.

16. Hashem, in tzoros have they visited Thee, they davened a lachash (whisper) when Thy musar (chastening) was upon them.

17. Like a woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, in travail, and crieth out in her pangs; so have we been in Thy sight, Hashem.

18. We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth ruach (wind); we have not wrought yeshu'ot (salvation of any kind) in Eretz; neither have inhabitants of the tevel (world) been born.

19. Thy mesim (dead men, see also Dan 12:2) shall live, together with my nevelah (dead bodies, corpses) shall they arise. Awake and sing for joy, ye that dwell in aphar (dust); for Thy tal (dew) is like the orot tal (morning dew), and Eretz shall give birth to repha'im (dead ones).

20. Come, My people, enter thou into thy chederim, and shut thy delatot behind thee; hide thyself for a little rega (moment, while), until the za'am (wrath, indignation [of G-d]) has passed.

21. For, hinei, Hashem goeth forth from His Makom (place, home) to punish the avon (iniquity) of inhabitants of ha'aretz; ha'aretz also shall disclose her dahm, and shall no more cover over her slain.

Read complete chapter Yeshayah 26