Old Testament

New Testament

Yeshayah 26:1-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. In that day shall this shir (song) be sung in Eretz Yehudah; We have an Ir Oz (a city of strength); Yeshuah (salvation) is that which He makes [its] chomot (walls) and outer wall.

2. Open ye the She'arim, that the Goy Tzaddik (right-with-G-d people) which is shomer emunim (keeping faith) may enter in.

3. Thou wilt keep him in shalom shalom, whose yetzer (mind-set) is stayed on Thee; because he trusteth in Thee.

4. Trust ye in Hashem forever; for in G-d Hashem is Tzur Olamin;

5. For He bringeth down them that dwell on marom (high); the lofty city, He layeth it low; He layeth it low, even ad eretz; He bringeth it even to aphar (dust).

6. The regel (foot) shall trample it down, even the feet of the oni (oppressed), and the footsteps of the dalim (poor, downtrodden, needy).

7. The Orakh Latzaddik (way of the just) is meiysharim (altogether level, upright, direct ones); Thou, O Yashar (Upright One, Straight One), straighten the ma'agal (circuit) of the tzaddik.

8. Indeed, in the orakh of Thy mishpatim, Hashem, have we waited for Thee; our ta'avat nefesh (yearning of soul) is for Thy Shem, and for the zekher (memory, remembrance) of Thee.

9. With my nefesh have I desired thee in the lailah; yes, with my ruach within me will I seek Thee; for when Thy mishpatim are upon ha'aretz, the inhabitants of the tevel will learn tzedek.

Read complete chapter Yeshayah 26