Old Testament

New Testament

Yechezkel 23:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. The Davar Hashem came again unto me, saying,

2. Ben adam, there were two nashim, the banot of one em;

3. And they committed zonah harlotry in Mitzrayim; they committed zonah harlotry in their youth; there were their breasts pressed, and there their betulah bosom was caressed.

4. And the shmot of them were Oholah the elder, and Oholivah her achot; and they were Mine, and they bore banim and banot. Thus were their shmot: Shomron is Oholah, and Yerushalayim Oholivah.

5. And Oholah (unfaithful to Me) played the zonah when she was Mine; and she lusted for her lovers, for Ashur [the Assyrian] warriors,

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