Old Testament

New Testament

Vayikra 8:15-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. And he slaughtered (shachat) it; and Moshe took the dahm, and put it upon the horns of the Mizbe'ach around with his forefinger, and purified the Mizbe'ach, and poured the dahm at the base of the Mizbe'ach, and set it apart as kodesh, to make kapporah for it.

16. And he took all the chelev (fat) that was upon the innards, and the diaphragm above the liver, and the two kidneys, and their chelev (fat), and Moshe burned it upon the Mizbe'ach.

17. But the bull, and its hide, its basar, and its dung, he burned with eish outside the machaneh; as Hashem commanded Moshe.

18. And he brought the ram for the olah (burnt offering); and Aharon and his Banim laid their hands upon the head of the ram.

19. And he slaughtered (shachat) it; and Moshe sprinkled the dahm upon the Mizbe'ach around.

20. And he cut the ram into pieces; and Moshe burned the head, and the pieces, and the chelev (fat).

21. And he washed the innards and the legs in mayim; and Moshe burned the whole ram upon the Mizbe'ach; it was an olah for a re'ach nicho'ach, and an offering made by eish unto Hashem; just as Hashem commanded Moshe.

22. And he brought the other ram, the ram of ordination; and Aharon and his Banim laid their hands upon the head of the ram.

23. And he slaughtered (shachat) it; and Moshe took of the dahm of it, and put it upon the lobe of Aharon's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the bohen of his right foot.

24. And he brought Aharon's Banim, and Moshe put of the dahm upon the lobe of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the bohen of their right feet: and Moshe sprinkled the dahm upon the Mizbe'ach around.

25. And he took the chelev (fat), and the tail, and all the chelev (fat) that was upon the innards, and the diaphragm above the liver, and the two kidneys, and their chelev (fat), and the right thigh:

26. And out of the basket of matzot, that was before Hashem, he took one challat matzot, and a loaf of oiled lechem, and one wafer, and put them on the chelavim, and upon the right thigh:

27. And he put all upon Aharon's hands, and upon the hands of his Banim, and waved them for a tenufah (wave offering) before Hashem.

28. And Moshe took them from off their hands, and burned them on the Mizbe'ach upon the olah (burnt offering); they were ordination offerings for a re'ach nicho'ach; it is an offering made by eish unto Hashem.

Read complete chapter Vayikra 8