Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 80:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Give ear, O Ro'eh Yisroel, Thou that leadest Yosef like a tzon; Thou that art enthroned between the Keruvim, shine forth.

2. (3) Before Ephrayim and Binyamin and Menasheh, Stir up Thy gevurah (might), and come and save us.

3. (4) Turn us again, O Elohim, and cause Thy face to shine that we may be saved.

4. (5) Hashem Elohim Tzva'os, ad mosai (how long) wilt Thou be angry against the tefillat amecha (prayer of Thy people)?

5. (6) Thou feedest them with the lechem dimah (bread of tears); and givest them dima'ot (tears) to drink in great measure.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 80