Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 73:1-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Truly Elohim is tov to Yisroel, even to the barei levav (pure of heart).

2. But as for me, my raglayim had almost stumbled; my steps had well near slipped.

3. For I had kina (envy) of the holelim (arrogant ones), when I saw the shalom of the resha'im.

4. For there are no chartzubot (fetters, bonds, pains) in their mot; healthy is their belly.

5. They are not in amal (trouble) as enosh; neither are they plagued like adam.

6. Therefore ga'avah encircleth them like a chain necklace; chamas enwraps them like a garment.

7. Their eyes bulge with chelev; they have more than levav could imagine.

8. They mock, and speak wickedly concerning oshek (oppression); they speak from marom (on high).

9. They set their mouth against Shomayim, and their leshon stalketh in ha'aretz.

10. Therefore their people return here; and mayim to the full are swallowed down by them.

11. And they say, How doth El (G-d) know? And is there knowledge in Elyon?

Read complete chapter Tehillim 73