Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 69:6-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

6. (7) Let not them that wait on Thee, Adonoi Hashem Tzva'os, be ashamed because of me; let not those that seek Thee be disgraced because of me, O Elohei Yisroel.

7. (8) Because for Thy sake I have borne cherpah; shame hath covered my face.

8. (9) I am become a stranger unto my achim, and a nochri (foreigner) unto the bnei immi (sons of my mother).

9. (10) For kinas Beitcha (zeal for Thy House) hath consumed me; and the cherpot of them that scorned Thee are fallen upon me [Yn 2:17].

10. (11) When I wept, and chastened my nefesh in the tzom (fast), that became my cherpot (reproaches).

11. (12) I made sackcloth also my garment; and I became a mashal (byword) to them.

12. (13) They that sit [as judges] in the sha'ar (gate) speak against me; and I was the neginot (drinking songs) of the drunkards.

13. (14) But as for me, may my tefillah be unto Thee, Hashem, in an et ratzon (acceptable time, time of favor); O Elohim, in the multitude of Thy chesed hear me, in the emes of Thy salvation.

14. (15) Save me out of the teet (mire, clay, soil) and let me not sink; let me be saved from them that hate me, and out of the depths of the mayim.

15. (16) Let not the floodwaters overflow me, neither let the deep swallow me up, and let not the be'er (pit) shut her mouth upon me.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 69