Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 66:9-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. He is the One who set nafsheinu in chayyim and does not permit ragleinu (our foot) to slip.

10. For Thou, Elohim, hath tested us and hast proved us; Thou hast put us in the crucible's refining and refined us as kesef.

11. Thou broughtest us into the metzudah (prison); Thou laidst a mu'akah (burden) upon our loins.

12. Thou hast caused enosh (mankind) to ride over rosheinu (our head); we went through eish and through mayim; but Thou broughtest us out into plenty.

13. I will come into Thy Beis [HaMikdash] with olot; I will fulfill for Thee my nedarim,

14. Which my sfatayim have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in tzoros.

15. I will offer unto Thee olot mekhim (burnt offerings of fat animals), with the ketoret (incense, offering) of rams; I will offer bakar with goats. Selah.

16. Come and hear, Kol Yirei Elohim, and I will declare what He hath done for my nefesh.

17. I cried unto Him with my mouth, and He was extolled with my leshon.

18. If I regard avon (iniquity, sin) in my lev, Adonoi will not hear me;

19. But surely Elohim hath heard me; He hath attended to the kol tefillati (voice of my prayer).

20. Baruch Elohim, Who hath not turned away my tefillah, nor His chesed from me.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 66