Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 66:10-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. For Thou, Elohim, hath tested us and hast proved us; Thou hast put us in the crucible's refining and refined us as kesef.

11. Thou broughtest us into the metzudah (prison); Thou laidst a mu'akah (burden) upon our loins.

12. Thou hast caused enosh (mankind) to ride over rosheinu (our head); we went through eish and through mayim; but Thou broughtest us out into plenty.

13. I will come into Thy Beis [HaMikdash] with olot; I will fulfill for Thee my nedarim,

14. Which my sfatayim have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in tzoros.

15. I will offer unto Thee olot mekhim (burnt offerings of fat animals), with the ketoret (incense, offering) of rams; I will offer bakar with goats. Selah.

16. Come and hear, Kol Yirei Elohim, and I will declare what He hath done for my nefesh.

17. I cried unto Him with my mouth, and He was extolled with my leshon.

18. If I regard avon (iniquity, sin) in my lev, Adonoi will not hear me;

Read complete chapter Tehillim 66