Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 66:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Make a joyful shout unto Elohim, kol HaAretz;

2. Sing forth the kavod Shmo; make kavod (glorious) His tehillah (praise).

3. Say unto Elohim, How norah (awesome) art Thou in Thy ma'asim (works)! Through the greatness of Thy oz (might) shall Thine oyevim cower before Thee.

4. Kol ha'aretz shall prostrate before Thee, and shall sing unto Thee; they shall sing praise to Shimecha. Selah.

5. Come and see the works of Elohim; He is norah (awesome) in deed toward Bnei Adam.

6. He turned the yam into yabashah (dry land; see Gn 1:10); they passed through the nahar on regel; there did we rejoice in Him.

7. He ruleth by His gevurah (power) olam (forever); His eyes are a watchman's eyes over the Goyim; let not the sorerim (rebellious ones) exalt themselves. Selah.

8. Barchu Eloheinu, Amim, and make the kol (sound) of His tehillah (praise) to be heard.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 66