Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 42:5-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. (6) Why art thou cast down, O my nefesh? And why groanest thou (i.e., murmuring in discouragement) within me? Hope thou in (i.e., wait for) Elohim; for I shall yet give Him thanks, for He is the yeshuah (salvation) of my countenance and Elohai.

6. (7) My nefesh is cast down within me; therefore will I remember Thee from Eretz Yarden, and from Chermon's peaks, from Har Mitzar [mountain near Mt Chermon].

7. (8) Tehom el Tehom ([oceanic] deep unto [oceanic] deep) calleth at the noise of Thy waterfalls; all Thy breakers and Thy billows are passed over me.

8. (9) Yet Hashem will command His chesed by day, and in the night His shir (song) shall be with me, my tefillah (prayer) unto the El Chayyai (G-d of my life).

Read complete chapter Tehillim 42