Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 18:17-36 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. (18) He delivered me from my strong oyev, and from them which hated me; for they were too strong for me.

18. (19) They confronted me in the day of my calamity; but Hashem was my stay.

19. (20) He brought me forth also into a place merkhav (spacious); He delivered me, because He delighted in me.

20. (21) Hashem dealt with me according to my tzedek; according to the cleanness of my hands hath He recompensed me.

21. (22) For I have been shomer regarding the Darkhei Hashem, and have not wickedly departed from Elohai.

22. (23) For all His mishpatim were before me, and I did not put away His chukkot from me.

23. (24) I was also tamim (blameless) before Him, and I kept myself from mine avon.

24. (25) Therefore hath Hashem recompensed me according to my tzedek, according to the cleanness of my hands before His eyes.

25. (26) With the chasid Thou wilt show Thyself chesed; with a perfect man Thou wilt show Thyself perfect;

26. (27) With the pure Thou wilt show Thyself pure; and with the ikesh (crooked, perverted, false) Thou wilt show Thyself shrewd.

27. (28) For Thou wilt save the ani (poor); but wilt bring down low haughty looks.

28. (29) For Thou wilt light my ner; Hashem Elohai will enlighten my choshech.

29. (30) For by Thee have I scattered a troop; and by Elohai have I leaped over a wall.

30. (31) As for El, His derech is tamim (perfect); the word of Hashem is tzerufah (tested and proved flawless, inerrant); He is a mogen to all those that take refuge in Him.

31. (32) For who is Elohim besides Hashem? Or who is Tzur but Eloheinu?

32. (33) It is El that armeth me with chayil, and maketh my derech tamim (perfect).

33. (34) He maketh my raglayim like deer feet, and setteth me upon my high places.

34. (35) He traineth my hands for milchamah, so that a keshet-nechushah mine arms can bend.

35. (36) Thou hast also given me the mogen of Thy salvation; and Thy right hand hath held me up, and Thy lowliness hath made me great.

36. (37) Thou hast made rakhav (broad) the place for my footsteps under me, that my ankles did not turn.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 18