Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 149:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Praise Hashem. Shiru l'Adonoi shir chadash (Sing unto Hashem a new song), and His praise in the Kahal Chasidim.

2. Let Yisroel rejoice in Him that made him; let the Bnei Tziyon be glad in their Melech.

3. Let them praise Shmo in the dance; let them sing zemirot unto Him with the tambourine and kinnor.

4. For Hashem taketh pleasure in His people; He will crown the meek with Yeshuah (salvation).

5. Let the Chasidim be joyful in kavod; let them sing for joy upon their beds.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 149